Day 6: June 21, Republic, WA, Rest Day

View of Republic, WA from my motel, the Klondike

I definitely needed a rest day today.  My legs are shot.  Headed out for breakfast at 7:00, pickup up a massive takeout omelet from the same restaurant I ate at last night and coffee from a coffee house.  I grazed off the omelette for the next few hours while I sat in bed editing photos, working on the blog and instagram.

I went through my gear looking for things to discard.  Sent home my arm and leg warmers, haven’t used them and with temperatures going into the high 90’s soon I don’t think I’ll need them.  

View up the street towards my motel in Republic, WA

Lightened my food load by choosing lighter items and less of it.  I had been packing 2 diners consisting of packaged cooked rice and packaged Dahl.  Not bad food but the Dahl especially adds weight.  After my sardine feast yesterday I thought a better alternative is one meal consisting of packaged rice and two tins of sardines.  I also trimmed down my lunch and snacks.  Trashed the Nutella and tortillas and opted to buy daily, keeping maybe a day and a half of “trail mix” type stuff and various bars on hand, restocking regularly.  This takes off a good amount of weight.  My preference is to eat out of my bags while on the road but eat in a restaurant at night which is why I have just one emergency diner on hand.  I’m not so remote that I won’t hit a town within a day.

Republic is a cool little town.  I didn’t do much other than walk around a bit, mostly sat in bed and worked on the laptop. And off course went to the brewery.

How I spent my rest day.